Our Comprehensive Assessment Suite


Flexible Creativity is pleased to offer our

Comprehensive Assessment Suite updated to the

2016 Virginia Mathematics Standards of Learning. 



Flexible Creativity, Inc. has developed a variety of instructional and assessment resources that focus on the increased rigor of the 2016 Virginia Standards of Learning assessments.   Teachers and students will build confidence when using our modified technology-enhanced items and open-response assessment questions included within the scope of our Comprehensive Assessment Suite.  Research has shown that students perform with greater success on assessments when they are familiar with the type and style of questioning as well as the content.  All resources are available for mathematics grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II.


Our Math in Minutes daily maith series provides five items per Virginia mathematics standard so that teachers may provide one or two items each day as either an opening activity or transition between activities and can informally assess a student's pre- and/or post-knowledge of the content.


Performance-Based Assessment workbooks provide a means to assess authentically with a view to college and career readiness, even at elementary levels.  Each workbook (one for each Virginia mathematics standard) includes performance tasks based on authentic, real-world problem-based situations.  By asking students to not only find the 'answer' but often to provide written explanations to support their answer, teachers are able to engage with each student response to determine the 'how' and 'why' of a student's thinking!  A rubric is provided with each task.  More than just assessment, this performance-based assessment workbook can provide a springboard for whole-class or small-group instruction, a center-based activity or other classroom learning opportunities.


To round out the suite, our modified technology-enhanced mathematics checkpoint tests provide students with additional exposure to the rigor of the open response question style they may encounter on assessments.  As with previous resources, there is one checkpoint test for each Virginia mathematics standard.


Teachers and students will benefit from the use of these materials as they construct a classroom full of dialogue, inquiry and reflection.  This process will allow teachers to prioritize essential knowledge, skills and processes needing further instruction and develop next steps to move students to higher level of thinking, and, ultimately, successful assessment.


All assessments will be provided electronically in both Microsoft Word and PDF.  You are free to copy these items into any software program (for example, smartboard, testing, etc.) that you currently have available in your school or division. 


Contact us for more information on the Comprehensive Assessment Suite, including pricing for your school or division.  Be sure to include the grade levels/content areas and number of schools for a specific quote.  While we highly recommend the Comprehensive Assessment Suite as an inclusive package, each resource may be purchased invidiually for a given grade level/content area.


We look forward to serving you!